Salem launches Safer Crossings Program

The City of Salem has launched the Safer Pedestrian Crossings Program, a new online tool for requesting improved crossings. Earlier this year, we participated in the Safer Crossings Project Advisory Committee to help develop this system for community members to request pedestrian crossing facilities, and track the status of those projects. We provided feedback on best practices for equitable scoring of infrastructure projects, to be included in the Safer Crossings Program.

Salem-Keizer MPO Selecting Priority Projects for Next 6 Years

SKATS, the regional transportation planning agency for the greater Salem/Keizer area, is in the process of prioritizing projects in the region for the next 6 years. The SKATS Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) establishes the schedule and priority for the near-term funding and implementation of transportation improvement projects.

Oregon Needs #CleanAirNow!

June 26, 2019 Update: All eyes are on the Oregon Legislature as the 2019 Session comes to a close. Although we had hoped for a statewide policy to reduce diesel emissions and phase out old dirty diesel engines this session, HB 2007 has been limited to the tri-county area. Still, the bill is a meaninful step forward and necessary to allocate remaining VW Settlement funds. HB 2007 has successfully passed the House and, along with many other important bills, awaits the Senate to resume its business.

Comments on Salem-Keizer Regional Transportation Systems Plan (RTSP) Update

SKATS, the designated MPO for the Salem-Keizer region, has released the 2019-2043 Regional Transportation Systems Plan (RTSP) for public review. The RTSP is the long-term guide that identifies priority transportation investments and is only updated every four years.  We’ve submitted comments requesting that the RTSP is strengthened in the following areas:

Pacific Northwest Regional Network




Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest